Content: about us

our vision & mission


probel - the humanwerkstatt offers person-centered services and online tools in health management and consulting. Our services enable well directed prevention, early-detection, reintegration, intervention and self-regulation. Our mission is the health promotion and thus also the support of the individual with contemporary instruments and consulting approaches, at the individual level as well as at the organizational level.

The capabilities of our services are not limited. Many industries and branches recognize the effectiveness of such instruments and show the need for a user-friendly product. Some capabilities of our services: coaching, social counseling, prevention in the area of mental health and reintegration, psychiatry, psychotherapy, burnout prevention, and not least the talentmanagement, human resources and some areas more.

The trend in the consulting industry clearly shows the need for innovative solutions. For today's society, the use of new media is essential both in private and in the profession. This trend is the driving force behind probel - the humanwerkstatt.




who we are

our team


Serkan Yavuz
Psychologe MSc


Anastasia Yavuz-Gallo


Felix Jeanmaire
Senior Consultant

Check out our company brochure